We help practices so that you never have to say no to a request for a home visit euthanasia. We aid you in being able to offer the option of a home visit euthanasia to more clients.

How can Nirvana Vets Help my Practice?
Nirvana Vets was created by Sam Goldman MRCVS and Kate Bleasdale MRCVS, to help practices provide more owners with home visit euthanasias.
Having worked in first opinion practice for several years, we are all too familiar with how difficult it can sometimes be to provide home visit euthanasias for our clients. We have experienced first hand how time consuming they can be, the difficulties in sparing the staff from the practice and the strain it can place on the remaining staff within the practice.
However, we are also acutely aware of the overwhelming preference for home visit euthanasias, when clients are given the choice.
Several surveys have indicated that >95% of clients would favour a home visit euthanasia when given the choice.
About Us
Founders, Sam Goldman and Kate Bleasdale, created Nirvana Vets after several years working as first opinion vets and after graduating from the Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy (CAETA).
Nirvana Vets has been created specifically for home visit euthanasias. As such, every single aspect of the company has been designed around the client and providing them with the gentlest goodbye possible.
We understand that it is a very important and sensitive moment in time for your clients. With our allocated 90 minutes for consultations and our advanced training in client communication and pre-euthanasia sedation protocols, we are well equipped to provide your clients with exceptional compassion and care.
Nirvana Vets does not exist as a competing practice. We only provide end of life care and we will not prescribe medications to your clients, instead redirecting them back to you.
We exist as an ancillary service, helping you to offer a greater range of options to your clients around end-of life care.

We have completed the Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy, and are members of the International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC). This has facilitated us to pay very close attention to even the smallest details, from our art therapy kits for children, to our do not disturb signs placed on the owner's door. Absolutely everything has been thought of to help make the process as manageable and comforting as possible for the families we visit.
One of your clients sadly needs to have their pet put to sleep and prefers a home visit euthanasia.
Upon arrival at the owners home we will consult with the owner as necessary to ensure they are making an informed decision before carrying out the sedation and euthanasia.
If the client expresses a desire for a home visit euthanasia and you wish to refer them to Nirvana Vets, then you can refer the client to us to book a time and date with us directly.
We will then make arrangements for cremation as/if requested by the owner. Ashes are hand delivered back to owners by one of our nurses with a card. For communal cremation and home burial, we send a condolence card.
We will speak to the owner on the telephone before the visit. During the call we will discuss any concerns, answer any questions and take deposit payment either over the phone or via a secure payment link if the owner prefers.
We will then send you our records to confirm if the euthanasia was carried out.